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    Department of Business Management

    Foundational business management major.  Focused minors.  Real world experience. Engagement with the entire College.  

    Department of Business Management views business as the active liberal art, with ethics and social responsibility central to corporate success.  Our graduates 作为传统商业的领导者,在他们进入的世界中产生积极的影响 场所,如金融,会计,市场营销的世界,并在其他组织 背景,如世界的政府,法律和非营利组织-反映 九州娱乐官网重视批判性思维、有效沟通和道德 勇气.  我们有才华的教师九州娱乐官网和实践者的多样性 echo the global nature of business.

    Learning in the classroom is only the beginning.  Rigorous classes ready you to participate 在广泛的现实世界的经验和设置,包括获奖 学生管理的投资基金项目,投资组合超过100万美元,还有实习,我们的暑假 留学项目、学生设计的体验项目、师生研究、 和更多的.  And there’s funding available to help you achieve your goals.  

    我们的专业可以与九州娱乐官网提供的任何其他专业或辅修课程相结合. 事实上,在九州娱乐官网,工商管理专业的学生不仅可以立志 Sigma Beta Delta,国际商业荣誉协会,他们也可以向往 Phi Beta Kappa,为追求自由教育的学生提供的卓越荣誉社团.

    九州娱乐官网的商业管理——将学生转变为领导者 create better worlds.


    Pathways for the Major & 未成年人

    我们的商业管理专业提供了一个系统的,整体的商业观点,形成 a critical foundation for your future career.  Our minors in accounting, entrepreneurship, 金融、国际商务和市场营销建立在这个具有挑战性的基础上 高级课程,为学生毕业后直接进入职业生涯做好准备 or to pursue graduate study in their fields of interest.   


    The Business Management Major

    也许你想从事市场营销,或者成为一名顾问,或者获得注册会计师资格,然后成为 an accountant.  Perhaps you have the entrepreneurial drive to start your own business.  Perhaps your passion is people and you want to go into human resources.  Maybe you 活在投资的气息中,或者知道你想用商业来创造不同 for underserved populations. 

    不管你为什么想从商,你首先需要了解是什么让你成功 包括营利性和非营利组织的复杂系统都在运作.  The business management major is designed to do just that. 

    你将学习硬技能——会计、金融、统计——以及以人为本的技能 – marketing, organizational behavior.  You’ll learn how today’s industries have been 数字化转型以及为什么社会责任正在成为战略规范.  您将学习如何将道德注入到组织决策中,以实现企业目标 excellence.

    The major stands alone in providing essential skills; it also provides the foundation for our minors.



    The Business Management Minor

    不管你选择什么样的职业道路,或者从事什么样的业务,一点点商业意识都是有帮助的 Management Minor can help any major build basic business skills.  The minor consists of three required courses (BUS 111 Principles of Marketing; BUS 112 Introduction to Financial Accounting; BUS 302 Organizational Behavior) and two electives drawn from a 200-level or higher BUS-prefix courses. 

    请记住,ECN 112微观经济学原理是BUS 111的先决条件 Principles of Marketing.


    Departmental 未成年人

    我们开设会计、创业、金融、国际商务、 和市场营销,旨在帮助你更深入地研究商业领域 sparks your passion.  Each minor requires a minimum of four upper-level courses beyond the Business Management major. 

    你能选一门非商业管理专业的辅修课吗? Absolutely, 我们只会要求你完成另外四门课程来充实基本背景 知识. 


    Interdisciplinary 专业 and 未成年人

    国际研究与传播的跨学科专业 & Media Studies draw on courses offered by the Business Management department.  In addition, we partner 与其他院系合作开设数据分析、信息等跨学科辅修课程 Systems, and Arts Management & Entrepreneurship (see pages describing these minors for more information).  We also contribute courses to the International Economics minor offered by the Economics Department. Ask us how combining these programs or 工商管理专业的其他专业/辅修专业可以为你提供一个重要的 career boost.


    11名穿着正式的学生在布朗顾问投资实验室(Brown Advisory Investing Lab)工作,导师是一位年长的顾问.

    Student Opportunities

    像Enactus这样的组织,美国市场营销协会的学生分会, 以及布朗大学学生管理咨询投资基金项目,为商科学生提供服务 Management the chance to hone their skills outside the classroom.

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    四名女学生和两名男学生站在Enactus的横幅前. They are formally dressed.

    Honor Societies and Awards

    学术卓越、商业头脑、领导潜力——有很多方法可以站得住脚 out and win recognition for excellent work in Business Management.

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