地理信息系统 Program’s current students are developing advanced skills in the use of numerous 软件包和技术. As part of the apprentice review system, each student is tracked with a list of capabilities and expertise. 本报告是 of their annual review submitted to Human Resources. 随着学生获得专业知识 software and equipment, they become more and more responsible for mentoring lower-level 学徒. 这 mentorship is also tracked as part of the annual review.

学生-to-student transfer of the body of kn获得的知识 training in the 地理信息系统 Program is a valuable component in our model. 在许多情况下, only way for t他的 information to cycle within the program is through student mentorship 其他学徒.

的 transfer of the body of knowledge gained while training in the 地理信息系统 Program is 这是这个项目非常有价值的组成部分.   在许多情况下, only way for t他的 information to be kept within the program is through the mentorship training of younger 学徒.

 地理信息系统 Program, as part of the 环境与社会研究中心, operates as a tradecraft guild with the mission of training 九州娱乐官网 students through experiential learning opportunities, with which they can advance their tradecraft of geospatial 技术. 他们也致力于建设 其他同样重要的公会技能 在这个结构中,例如 市场营销、com通信和网络开发; 仅举几个例子. All guild members receive an hourly wage based on their guild 站. 的se wages are provided by customers of the guild, from non-profit groups to for-profit corporations to local, state, and government organizations. 工会成员 pride themselves on providing our customers with the highest quality products and 尽可能提供最好的客户服务. Since all guild members have the potential to 直接与客户、公会打交道 operates in a professional and business-appropriate manner at all times.

的 地理信息系统 Program Guild builds upon the fine traditions of our founders, William Smith 乔治·华盛顿. 两者都有 绅士们也是测量员和制图师. 学院的创始人威廉·史密斯, 教这些艺术 给我们最早的学生. 它被认为是一项基本技能 下一代的美国年轻人 需要 to successfully lead our great nation into its future. 乔治·华盛顿自己开始 他自己的测量 十六岁时陪伴. 我们继承了他的传统 by working with our own students and with K-12 schools across the nation to teach 这些重要的技能.




  这 位置是a entry level to the 地理信息系统 Program, for individuals with minimal skills.



 这 的立场是 适合具有中等技能的个人. 至少精通一门 需要软件包或任务.



  这 的立场是 适合具有中等技能的个人. 精通两门或两门以上 需要准备软件包和任务.



 这 的立场是 for individuals with more advanced skills and some leadership qualities.

 (Leader) 这 的立场是 for individual with more advanced skills who has displayed 领导能力.




 successful applicant will report to the 九州娱乐官网 地理信息系统 Program Director and 位于… 马里兰州切斯特敦的地理信息系统办公室. 主要职责包括数据录入和 creation, map creation, spatial analysis, and the updating and maintenance of existing 数据库.


 student intern assists in entering data into 数据库 and creating maps and other related analysis products for the 地理信息系统 Program. 该实习生将与多个团队一起工作 disparate datasets, many of which are not currently in suitable format for analysis with 地理信息系统, and must be able to understand and adapt to new datasets while keeping all project information current and organized to ensure accessibility 给别人. 学生 intern must utilize sound judgement, follow oral and written instructions, and present an overall professional appearance while working in the lab.


  • Familiarity with Microsoft Access, Excel and 数据库 is helpful.
  • Ability to work independently and in a team environment, establish methodology to complete a project, and produce final products within a given timeframe.
  • Ability to pass a Maryland and FBI criminal records background check within 30 days 的就业.
  • T他的 位置是a entry level to the 地理信息系统 Program, for individuals with minimal skills. 这 person will generally be put into training and will perform very simple tasks under the supervision of staff member or a 熟练工人领袖.




 successful applicant will report to the 九州娱乐官网 地理信息系统 Program Director and 位于… 马里兰州切斯特敦的地理信息系统办公室. 主要职责包括数据录入和 creation, map creation, spatial analysis, and the updating and maintenance of existing 数据库.


 student intern assists in entering data into 数据库 and creating maps and other related analysis products for the 地理信息系统 Program. 该实习生将与多个团队一起工作 disparate datasets, many of which are not currently in suitable format for analysis with 地理信息系统, and must be able to understand and adapt to new datasets while keeping all project information current and organized to ensure accessibility 给别人. 学生 intern must utilize sound judgement, follow oral and written instructions, and present an overall professional appearance while working in the lab.


  • Familiarity with Microsoft Access, Excel and 数据库 is helpful.
  • Ability to work independently and in a team environment, establish methodology to complete a project, and produce final products within a given timeframe.
  • Ability to pass a Maryland and FBI criminal records background check within 30 days 的就业.
  •  的立场是 适合具有中等技能的个人. 至少精通一门 software package 或者任务是必需的.





 successful applicant will report to the 九州娱乐官网 地理信息系统 Program Director and 位于… 马里兰州切斯特敦的地理信息系统办公室. 主要职责包括数据录入和 creation, map creation, spatial analysis, and the updating and maintenance of existing 数据库.


 student intern assists in entering data into 数据库 and creating maps and other related analysis products for the 地理信息系统 Program. 该实习生将与多个团队一起工作 disparate datasets, many of which are not currently in suitable format for analysis with 地理信息系统, and must be able to understand and adapt to new datasets while keeping all project information current and organized to ensure accessibility 给别人. 学生 intern must utilize sound judgement, follow oral and written instructions, and present an overall professional appearance while working in the lab.


  • Familiarity with Microsoft Access, Excel and 数据库 is helpful.
  • Ability to work independently and in a team environment, establish methodology to complete a project, and produce final products within a given timeframe.
  • Ability to pass a Maryland and FBI criminal records background check within 30 days 的就业.
  • 这是为有中等技能的人准备的. 精通两门或两门以上 software packages 任务是必需的.





的 successful applicant will report to the 九州娱乐官网 地理信息系统 Program Director and 位于… 马里兰州切斯特敦的地理信息系统办公室. 主要职责包括: data entry and creation, mapping creation and spatial analysis along with update and 数据库的维护. All work will be under the supervision of the 地理信息系统 Project 二级经理或分析员.  这个职位有扩展的能力.


的 position of student intern assists in entering data into 数据库, creating maps and other related analysis products for the 地理信息系统 Program.  这个职位适合我 multiple disparate datasets, many of which are not currently in a suitable format for analysis with 地理信息系统, and must have the ability to understand and adapt to new datasets while keeping all project information current and organized to assure accessibility 给别人.  学生 intern must utilize sound judgment; follow oral and written instruction and present an overall professional appearance while working in the lab.


  • Familiarity with Microsoft Access, Excel and 数据库 is helpful.
  • Ability to work independently and in a team environment, establish methodology to complete a project, and produce final products within a given timeframe.
    Ability to pass a Maryland and FBI criminal records background check within 30 days 的就业.
  • T他的 的立场是 适合具有中等技能的个人. 精通两门或两门以上 software packages 任务是必需的.
  •  student must be able to work independently and lead a team of other students toward 完成一个项目. In order to achieve 熟练工人领袖 status, the student must have either taken the Introduction to 地理信息系统 and Intermediate 地理信息系统 courses, or have shown exceptional expertise in the required software.