
学生 have several options for the degree in biology—with lots of customization. We also offer a variety of courses to help fulfill college Natural Science distribution 需求.

准备申报生物主修或副修? 请填写下面的申报表,然后 然后联系 Dr. Rinehimer or Dr. 康诺顿!





这个系给的是B.S. 学生可以选择选修的生物课 multiple areas that give them a general background, or they may chose an 重点领域 比如细胞/分子生物学 & 传染病、生态学 & 进化生物学, 或生理 & 生物的生物学.

Successful completion of an area of emphasis will be noted on a student’s transcript 毕业后.  假设a 高级顶点经验 (SCE) must be completed in the selected area of emphasis, a student may only complete 一个重点领域.

学生 from a wide variety of majors have received minors in 生物学, including: Environmental Studies, Chemistry, Psychology, Spanish, Sociology, Humanities, Business 和戏剧.

* 学生 planning on using the biology minor as a basis for further studies in the biological sciences or for employment should seriously consider taking a year of Chemistry (车牌号120,140). All students should note that CHE 120/140 is a prerequisite for some 高级生物课程.


学生 looking to fulfill their 自然科学分布 requirement are encouraged to take BIO 100 Current Topics in 生物学 and/or BIO 104 Society, Ecology and the 切萨皮克湾. 这两门课程都没有任何先决条件. 

探索额外的收入选择 自然科学分布 生物学学分.

BS in 生物学 (general) for students beginning before Fall 2023: PDF

BS in 生物学 (general) for students beginning after Fall 2023: PDF

*宣言 重点领域 是否由学术顾问完成

*Note that the course number for Differential Calculus changed from MAT201 to MAT111 in 2020*

General 生物学 I and II with lab (BIO 111/113 and BIO 112/114) are prerequisites for advanced 生物学课程 and are therefore essential for biology majors to take 在第一年. 也建议你参加化学入门课程 课程(CHE 120和CHE 140).



  • Demonstrate broad-based knowledge within the discipline of biology.
  • Demonstrate fluency in scientific reasoning and experimental design.
  • 熟悉当前的研究技术.
  • Demonstrate an ability to search, read, interpret and synthesize the primary literature.
  • Demonstrate an ability to effectively communicate scientific information in written 以及口头格式.
  • 表现出团队合作和学习的能力.
  • 普通生物学I(含实验室
  • BIO 112/114普通生物学II带实验室
  • 另外5门高级生物课程*

*By petition of the biology department, an appropriate upper-level course in chemistry, psychology, or environmental studies may be substituted for one of the required advanced 生物学课程.


生物学 majors have the option to complete an 重点领域 in one of 三个 areas: 生物化学、分子生物学 & 传染病、生态学 & 进化生物学, 或生理 & 生物的生物学. 每个重点领域都要求学生完成 their 高级顶点经验 in the selected area, as well as 三个 additional 4-credit课程.  Successful completion of an 重点领域 will be noted on a student’s transcript. 给n that the SCE must be completed in the selected 重点领域, a student may 只完成一个重点领域. 每个重点领域的要求是 下面所列.  

细胞/分子生物学 & 传染性疾病

学生 pursuing this area of emphasis will gain a deep understanding of prokaryotic 以及细胞和分子水平上的真核生物.  课程重点 on the way cells process information from their environment and initiate programs of gene expression leading to growth, development, and functional specification. 学生 will gain a solid foundation in the molecular biology of cells and a full appreciation of how molecular complexes interact to make a cell function through hands-on laboratory 练习. 学生 may also develop a strong foundation in microbiology, focusing on the structure and function of microorganisms, infection and infectious disease, the body’s defenses against infection, and the roles of microbes in the environment.

Requirements for the BS in 生物学, SCE specialization in 细胞/分子生物学 & 传染病,加上 三个 下列的:
  • BIO 203微生物学
  • 细胞生物学
  • 生物技术与分子生物学
  • 生物302发育生物学
  • 微生物生态学
  • BIO 350毒理学
  • BIO 404免疫学
  • BIO 409生物化学
  • 生物X94 Special Topics courses with laboratories designated for this concentration
  • 生物X94或BIO X95 Biological research on or off campus for course credit must be 在学习领域(一门课程的限制)



学生 pursuing this area of emphasis will gain a deeper understand of organisms’ interactions with their biotic and abiotic environments and more specifically, how environmental pressures have shaped life over ecological and evolutionary time.  这 area focuses on the full spectrum of biological organization, including (but not limited to) individual-level adaptations of uni- and multi-cellular organisms, evolutionary modifications of anatomy and behavior in response to evolutionary pressures, and ecosystem-level analyses relevant to today’s changing global climate and rising conservation concerns. 

Requirements for the BS in 生物学, SCE specialization in 生态与进化, plus 三个 下列的:
  • 生物211植物生物学
  • 生物309海洋与河口生物学
  • 微生物生态学
  • 湿地生态学
  • BIO 315生态生理学
  • BIO 328行为生态学
  • BIO 351进化
  • * env302野生动物保护技术
  • *ENV 394海洋保育
  • *ENV 394恢复生态学
  • 生物X94. Special Topics courses with laboratories designated for this concentration
  • 生物X94或BIO X95. Biological research on or off campus for course credit must be 在学习领域(一门课程的限制)



生理学 & 生物的生物学

学生 pursuing this area of emphasis will develop an integrative and broadly-based understanding of organisms through tissues, organs and organ systems, to the interaction 生物体之间以及它们的环境之间的关系.  形式和功能将是 baseline for studies of the anatomy, morphology and physiology of widely different 生物体和组成它们的组织.  整个生物体的过程,如呼吸, energy acquisition, the function of muscle and nervous tissue, sensory and endocrine modalities, photosynthesis and transport in plants, and communication will be addressed. 

Requirements for the BS in 生物学, SCE specialization in 生理学 & 有机体的 生物学,外加以下三门课程:
  • BIO 203微生物学
  • 生物211植物生物学
  • BIO 228鸟类学
  • 生物208一般动物学
  • 生物301比较脊椎动物解剖学
  • BIO 303寄生虫学
  • 生物311神经生物学
  • BIO 315生态生理学
  • BIO 336鱼类学
  • BIO 404免疫学
  • 比较动物生理学
  • 生物X94 Special Topics courses with laboratories designated for this concentration
  • 生物X94或BIO X95. Biological research on or off-campus for course credit must be 在学习领域(一门课程的限制)
